Tuesday 14 June 2016

Byrne Bros. at Women into Construction event

Byrne Bros. attended a Women into Construction event held at the House of Lords, to discuss how the industry and Government can work together to increase gender diversity in the Construction and Infrastructure industries.

The event was hosted by Baroness Warwick of Undercliffe and had the following key speakers:

Kath Moore - Managing Director of Women into Construction

The Baroness Warwick of Undercliffe

Catherine West – Shadow Minister, Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

Terry Morgan CBE – Chairman of Crossrail

Julie Thornton – Head of HR at Thames Tideway Tunnel

Judith Lowe - OBE Director, Women into Construction

Steve Radley - Director of Policy & Partnerships

The Byrne Group is passionate that we as an industry should strive to attract a more diverse workforce and understand the importance of participating in such key events.  

Byrne Bros. was Highly Commended at the NCE 100 Companies of the Year

